noun as in personal interest, concern
Strongest matches
noun as in carefulness, attention to detail
Strongest matches
noun as in custody and protection of a person
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
verb as in tend to; look after
verb as in regard highly
Example Sentences
The university said it adjusts staffing based on operational needs and research grants and that it “consistently meets or exceeds” high standards of patient safety and quality of care.
Unfortunately, Donald Trump is oblivious to all that and wouldn't care anyway.
Staff at the care home, who organised the rave, said she had "always been a big fan of dancing and living life to the fullest".
Booth had been charged with assaulting children in his care at a school in 1991 and left the UK in an attempt to evade justice, but later returned.
He maintains Barker’s tradition, advising viewers to spay and neuter their pets, but closes each episode with “I love you” and encourages viewers to take care of their mental health.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.