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verb as in sympathetically accept

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This means they will make an effort to understand the complex and nuanced healthcare landscape and all the stakeholders in it.

Let’s focus on hospitalizations for a moment to understand why.

From Vox

By understanding these aspects, you can create relevant marketing content that will resonate with your audience on the platform.

You can understand if you’re in Game 6, and someone’s going home, you better be right on the play.

Builtvisible creates resources and sustains an active blog to help their clients and potential clients understand what services they need.

This article will shed some light on this problem and help you not only understand it but also diagnose, monitor, and fix it on your website.

Understanding this part of the carbon cycle — how and where carbon moves in and out of the planet’s interior — can help scientists understand changes to the planet’s climate over eons, the researchers say.

After all, there’s a risk of acting too quickly, before we actually understand the problem or the effects an intervention might have.

As a business operator, I don’t love 25%, but I understand it.

From Fortune

He appeared to understand however belatedly that he was in the presence of another kind of greatness.

Carla points out how meaningful it can be to have people in your life who simply understand what you're going through.

I understand that this is human trafficking, but I know that my people have no other option.

Is that a utilitarian approach—that you need to understand how institutions have changed to understand the way they are?

If you look at the history, you can really understand why the parties are so divided and why the public is so split.

I think you need to understand the history to understand where you are at a given moment.

You know, Ward, I think I understand my father more every day.

You expect soldiers of all ranks to understand the need to respect the chain of command, regardless of personal feelings.

But the current pontiff, for reasons one might fully understand, declined to meet the would-be papal assassin.

Iggy Azalea herself might not even understand how polarizing and important a figure Iggy Azalea has become.

We read Thomas Piketty because we needed to understand these failures to have any hope of grappling with them.

But everyone seemed to always understand the importance of this film.

So I feel for these people, I understand they're just brutes.

My pessimism leads me to fight harder, or try to understand how I can do it differently.

The Newsroom is over, newsrooms as we traditionally understand them are rapidly declining, and New Media is here to stay.

I recognize my inability to truly understand these events in the same context or view these events through exactly the same prism.

On the one hand, patients may not understand that viruses are the cause of most cold symptoms this time of year.

He was surprised that the central bank did not understand that.

CIA goes to great lengths to understand the reliability and accuracy of every source.

But there was a lot more to Turner than a masochistic mission to understand the elements.

Now first we shall want our pupil to understand, speak, read and write the mother tongue well.

He spoke clearly and slowly, well knowing that some among the natives would understand him.

Why he did that, instead of walking around on the shore, Jimmy Rabbit couldn't understand.

"Now I have a larger place for you," the boy said, speaking just as though Squinty could understand him.

She knew that she alone of all human beings was gifted with the power to understand and fully sympathize with him.

She had never before heard so many English sentences without being able to understand one word.

He would fear what he did not understand, and he would bow down and pay homage to what he feared.

These strange things that Alf has been trying to teach me during the long nights I have learned—I understand.

They were still talking of the poem and the music, exchanging intimate thoughts in the language he could not understand.

To fully understand what takes place when trying to study, let the pupil recall that there are three sources of knowledge.

When you next hear of, or see Philip Wharton, you will understand the import of your own words.

Ha—assure you we quite understand; no necessity to say another word about it.

Please understand that nobody here had the least intention of playing a trick upon you!

Perhaps you will understand now that you ought to have asked my business ere you proposed to hang me off hand.

I understand that at its meetings oysters and Chablis are sometimes the order of the day.

I understand their point of view, exactly, but I'm not here to play the social game, and I shall talk to whom it pleases me.

He gave me some instructions, but I was too confused to understand them, and too shy to ask questions.

The causes became apparent the day before, although those directly interested did not understand.

In a flash Isabel had responded with a challenge of appeal, which that accomplished dame was quick to understand.

Indeed, it made me understand for the first time that even a Bank Holiday need not be a day of wrath and mourning.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


