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noun as in entertainment event

verb as in grant

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Policemen on the show joke about prison riots, bomb threats, and the shooting of unarmed civilians.

As soon as this attack [happened], Paris citizens came together to show were are not afraid, we are Charlie Hebdo.

And they might not have to wait that long to show their political heft.

Not actual CIA agents, but U.S. government personnel who have worked very closely with the CIA, and who are fans of the show.

Earlier this week, Huckabee ended his Fox News talk show so he could spend time mulling another bid for the Republican nomination.

Instead, the man and woman in the truck wanted to know where the crash site was and whether would I show them.

A recent U.S. study found men get a “daddy bonus” —employers seem to like men who have children and their salaries show it.

Children in households with more equitable participation of men show better health and development.

Girls raised in households with more equitable fathers show lower rates of unwanted sex.

At some point, show creator Mark Burnett made the diabolical decision to extend the show to 120 minutes.

Conway says the audience is asked to vote all the way through the show.

“Our first few months we had maybe one client and then we went on The Tyra Banks Show,” says James.

During coverage of that issue, Farrell went on a WSMB AM radio talk show to defend Duke.

So when my wife and I moved to Laurel Canyon I spent my first year working night and day on the show.

Even then, most of us doubted he would show up and actually sign the papers allowing him to enter the 1992 New Hampshire primary.

She actually had never been to a Deer Tick show before, but she liked it a lot.

Isha Aran at Jezebel worries that the show “glorif[ies] the way religion can constrain people.”

Mary Elizabeth Williams of Salon labels the show a “crass stunt” on a “bottom-feeding vortex of sadness network.”

On the show, it led to this half-comical, half-horrifying, but 100 percent amazing moment.

No artist had ever done anything like that at an awards show.

None other would dare to show herself unveiled to a stranger, and a white man at that.

I shall show how it is possible thus to prolong life to the term set by God.

Not only do children thus of themselves extend the scope of our commands, they show a disposition to make rules for themselves.

He called upon the Order to show their title-deeds, but was met with a contemptuous refusal.

If any one has lost his temper, as well as his money, he takes good care not to show it; to do so here would be indeed bad form.

The place was used as a lock-up for some time after the incorporation, and the old irons were kept on show for years.

In both conditions chemic tests will show hemoglobin, but in the latter the microscope will reveal the presence of red corpuscles.

I have tried to show that, given organization, given the will for it, such a world-wide education is possible.

The menace of a thunder-cloud approached as in his childhood's dream; disaster lurked behind the quiet outer show.

This solution will show a characteristic blue fluorescence when quinin is present.

Those of a more serious turn are apt to show a curious preference for the graver aspects of things.

The public eye, ever watchful and timid, waits scarcely for the show of danger to take alarm and withdraw its favour.

There was acute disharmony in the room, where a little time before there had been at least an outward show of harmony.

The old show rooms were left to the mice and ghosts, but the more modern suites were all to be occupied.

Sometimes Yung Pak would be the winner, and then he would march home with great glee and show the trophy to his father.

This is, of course, possible, but it cannot be more than speculation; the final Dunciad does show evidence of hasty revision.

There appears a rude attempt to picture the mouth cavity and to show those interesting accessories, the teeth.

You have borrowed, as these accounts will show, thousands of pounds, and paid them back with promises and words.

One second the hills and coulées would show plain as day, and next you'd have to feel to find the ears of your horse.

To show you that it is not alone my judgment of Deppe—four of Kullak's best pupils, including Sherwood!


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


