

Definition for set

adjective as in firm, hardened; inflexible

noun as in physical bearing

noun as in stage setting

Strongest matches

scene, setting

Strong matches

flats, scenery

noun as in group, assortment

verb as in position, place

verb as in decide upon

verb as in harden

verb as in decline

Strongest match


Strong matches

descend, dip, disappear, sink, subside, vanish

Weak match

go down

verb as in start, incite

Strongest matches

begin, initiate, raise

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Example Sentences

Palmdale, along with Lancaster, also set a daily record on Monday, hitting 80 and 81, respectively.

A record-breaking number of people worked to meet the Feb. 25 debris clearance deadline set by the Trump administration after the January fires, the EPA said.

Wash clothes in your washer with the cold water setting.

“This must. Be known,” Trachtenberg wrote on Instagram, alleging that there was a rule on set alleging that Whedon was “not allowed in a room alone” with her.

This will to live is what sets us apart from animals and insects; it’s what drives our empathy and makes us special to one another.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


