

Definition for point

noun as in speck

Strongest matches

mark, stop

Weak match

full stop

noun as in specific location

Strongest matches

place, position, site, situation, spot, stage

Strong matches

locality, locus, station

Weak match


noun as in sharp end, top, end of extension

noun as in circumstance, stage; limited time

noun as in meaning, essence

noun as in aspect, characteristic

noun as in scoring unit of sport competition

Strongest matches

mark, score

Strong matches

count, notch, tally

verb as in show as probable; call attention

verb as in direct, lead

Strongest matches

aim, look, tend, turn

Weak matches

bring to bear, zero in

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Example Sentences

Before the 2018 midterm elections, redistricting expert Dave Wasserman worked with the team at FiveThirtyEight to create an Atlas of Redistricting that makes the point well.

From Vox

One of the main sticking points was it was found that the NSA had hacked Petrobras, the state-owned oil company.

That’s the only kind of endurance I’m going to cosign for at this point.

From Ozy

Despite its massive growth, Snowflake is not without its sore points.

From Fortune

The point of sharing this script is to make it easy for everyone to see the impact of this change on their own accounts.

The citizens of Stevens Point defeated fluoridation by a healthy margin.

Deep, situational, and emotional jokes based on what is relevant and has a POINT!

To borrow an old right-wing talking point, these people are angry no matter what we do.

Therefore, it is not possible for any F-35 schedule to include a video data link  or infrared pointer at this point.

But the most important point I want to make is about what the press does now.

This is the first and principal point at which we can stanch the wastage of teaching energy that now goes on.

His also was the intellectual point of view, and the intellectual interest in knowledge and its deductions.

Judged from this point of view only, the elasticity provided by the new law is doubtless adequate.

That is the only point in which one sees Liszt's sense of his own greatness; otherwise his manner is remarkably unassuming.

When we speak against one capital vice, we ought to speak against its opposite; the middle betwixt both is the point for virtue.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


