hot under collar
adjective as in impatient
Weak matches
- abrupt
- agog
- antsy
- appetent
- ardent
- athirst
- avid
- breathless
- brusque
- chafing
- choleric
- curt
- demanding
- dying to
- edgy
- feverish
- fretful
- hasty
- having short fuse
- headlong
- hot-tempered
- impetuous
- indignant
- intolerant
- irascible
- itchy
- on pins and needles
- quick-tempered
- racing one's motor
- ripe
- snappy
- straining
- sudden
- unforbearing
- unindulgent
- vehement
- violent
adjective as in overwrought
Strongest match
Weak matches
- affected
- agitated
- all shook up
- beside oneself
- crazy
- distracted
- emotional
- excitable
- fired-up
- flipped-out
- freaked-out
- histrionic
- histrionical
- hot-and-bothered
- hyper
- in a state
- nervous
- neurotic
- on edge
- overexcited
- overstrung
- overworked
- spent
- steamed up
- stirred
- strung-out
- tense
- tired
- uneasy
- unstrung
- uptight
- weary
- wired
- worked-up
- worn
- wound-up
adjective as in unforbearing
Weak matches
- abrupt
- agog
- antsy
- anxious
- appetent
- ardent
- athirst
- avid
- breathless
- brusque
- chafing
- choleric
- curt
- demanding
- dying to
- eager
- edgy
- feverish
- fretful
- hasty
- having short fuse
- headlong
- hot-tempered
- impetuous
- indignant
- intolerant
- irascible
- irritable
- itchy
- keen
- on pins and needles
- quick-tempered
- racing one's motor
- restless
- ripe
- snappy
- straining
- sudden
- testy
- thirsty
- unindulgent
- vehement
- violent
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.