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Touch also increases levels of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin—the hormones related to happiness.

From Fortune

We hope you’ve been enjoying our wedding gift, the espresso machine, and we wish you many years of happiness together.

From Fortune

Researchers have argued for decades about whether certain facial expressions have evolved to express specific emotions, such as happiness, anger and disgust, regardless of one’s culture.

It’s spawned so many other indexes of human well-being — the index of social progress, people talking about gross national happiness.

This transition makes even more sense when coupled with the idea of deviating from using GDP as a measure of societal growth, and instead adopting a well-being index based on universal human values like health, community, happiness, and peace.

By the way, happiness does start to decline when you’re older.

The effects on happiness — the curves are very interesting on those.

According to the utilitarian, you cannot prefer your own or your son’s happiness over that of a stranger.

Norway, like the other Scandinavian countries, ranks among the world’s best in equality and — probably not coincidentally — in happiness.

Sometimes it amazes me that we do even as well as we do, that we can do even better than chance, for example, at predicting violence or predicting work performance or predicting happiness or longevity, given all the moving parts.

It is the summit of human happiness: the surrender of man to God, of woman to man, of several women to the same man.

The health, happiness and well-being of men, children and women improve.

He should be free, filling the world with happiness, love and his fighting spirit.

But she cautions against depending on getaways for happiness.

Their bright eyes and wide, happy smiles have spread a feeling of happiness and hope across the art world and beyond.

Stop Making Sense is the only current movie that's a dose of happiness from beginning to end.

Our growing hope is to find happiness without being consumed by the struggle for possessions.

“I think, with Hopkins, he finally found some happiness,” Mann said.

And then I thought, “Maybe meditation is a way to go in and find that happiness.”

With Eraserhead, I got way more happiness in the doing, and became way more self-assured.

Human happiness,” the Greek historian Herodotus once observed, “does not abide long in one place.

To discover if an act is moral or immoral, you simply measure the amount of happiness or suffering it causes.

The more suffering an act causes, the more immoral it is; the more happiness an act causes, the more moral it is.

That incorporates all of the happiness—beaches, sledding, love—and pain—war, death, loneliness.

This is a country that more or less invented the basic ground rules for the pursuit of happiness.

Surely happiness is most readily delivered by a decent vacation?

This  “happiness”  poster child makes an odd exemplar for the 21st century.

It can be anything that entertains and amplifies that happiness and energy.

Instead, we see there is a painfully innocent happiness to Rene about her spiritual “transformation.”

Every day, pop culture sells us on the idea that both roads lead to happiness.

Very trim and strong, and confident he looked, with the glow of youth in his cheeks, and the spark of happiness in his gray eyes.

Feeling secure regarding their happiness and welfare, she did not miss them except with an occasional intense longing.

How, then, are we to explain this extraordinary discrepancy between human power and resulting human happiness?

The vision of the universal happiness seen by the economists has proved a mirage.

That news has caused a quite universal happiness to this wretched community.

Who was he, indeed, that he should claim the right to thwart another's happiness, hinder another's best self-realisation?

All she needed was a certain amount of his society, opportunities to work for him, the assurance of his success and happiness.

To suddenly discover oneself proficient where failure had been feared increases self esteem and adds to the sum of happiness.

On the following afternoon he found her, for instance, radiant with that exuberant happiness he had learned now to distrust.

The happiness of young people,” said Mr. Pickwick, a little moved, “has ever been the chief pleasure of my life.

The doctor, informed of her comparative happiness, again shrugged his shoulders.

The friendship thus formed yielded much pleasure and happiness to me and, I think I may safely say, also to my departed friend.

If he is indifferent to my happiness, and unjust to the woman I love, I will no longer work like a slave for him.

Having bound her to himself by marriage, it might be right that he should study her happiness above all things.

Ought not Gilbert's happiness, she reasoned with herself, to have been dearer to her than all the world beside?

Tom, therefore, fixed his heart more firmly than ever upon one single point: her happiness.

The usual excited happiness was less obvious, he thought, than usual, the mercurial gaiety wholly absent.

But I noticed the curious mingling of yearning and happiness in his eyes, and the strength of the impression touched my curiosity.

On one occasion, a general titter arose at his florid picture of the happiness which must proceed from this event.

You—you—I never saw anybody who could dash cold water on people's happiness as you can!


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


