


Definition for normal

adjective as in common, usual

adjective as in sane, rational

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When Mayassi treated the animals with a molecule known to induce inflammation, gene expression and cell spatial distribution changed but showed signs of returning to normal a month later, and had almost entirely recovered by three months.

Mice that had a normal microbiome expressed unique genes in a specific region of the colon compared to germ-free mice.

It can be damaged by normal cellular processes as well as external factors such as UV radiation and chemicals.

Appointed SEC chair in 2021, Mr Gensler's term is technically supposed to run until 2026, but it is normal for agency leaders to depart their positions when a new administration begins.

From BBC

"For me, the question is: Are we creating too much stress for ourselves because we don't sleep as much as our husband or partner and think our sleep is poor when actually that is a normal sleep profile for ourselves?" said Rowe.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


