Example Sentences
He would also shower naked with them in the communal showers and the boys were ordered not to wear underpants in bed.
But memes and internet chatter are inherently organic and communal, which makes it much more egregious when they try this approach.
There are screen-based offerings as well, but the emphasis is often on the communal, as evidenced by the anyone-can-be-an-artist zaniness that is “Sloppy Forgeries.”
But that’s just one example of how the right wing, which will now occupy a favored perch in the White House, has elevated an amorphous concept of individual freedom over the undeniably real benefits, to millions of people, of robust pubic health imperatives based on communal responsibility.
Although I had multiple conversations with communal leaders explaining why this was so painful for the Jewish community, a twentysomething member of my community told me, “After the murder of George Floyd, we were told to read in order to understand why this was so painful for African Americans and not ask them to explain it to us. Why is the same not true for us?”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.