Example Sentences
Trump is out there talking about how he'll "protect" women "whether the women like it or not," making the threat underlying the chivalrous pose all the more undeniable.
He compares Amish people who don't want the FDA to regulate some of their medical products, people who want to own machine guns — he presents them as like Rosa Parks because they are people for whom big government or the deep state is infringing upon their civil rights, and the sheriff is there, this chivalrous figure who will come in and help them.
That's one of the things that struck me about it, this very old-timey chivalrous idea.
Given his chivalrous nature, Garnett confined his combativeness during a midweek practice to an emphatic arm swing after beating Bruins center Lauren Betts with a move ending in a layup.
Now, scientists have observed a pair of chivalrous birds joining the conversation.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.