
View definitions for rhapsody


noun as in rant

noun as in transport

verb as in drool

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I read Proust for his mad rhapsodies and not for his “therapeutic effect.”

Rhapsody: I have a soft spot for Rhapsody since I was on the founding team and still use it everyday for my on-demand music fix.

To honor the occasion, DVF presented a collection—or rather, a party—that was dubbed  “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

The youngster shouts and jumps wildly about, reciting lyrics as if rap were pure rhapsody.

She also played his Fourteenth Rhapsody with orchestral accompaniment in most bold and dashing style.

The Koran is a rhapsody, without connection, without order, and without art.

John knew them all, from the latest pop melodies to a swing version of the classic Rhapsody of The Stars.

"Lots of girls are stage-struck," he said presently, breaking in on Mr. Martel's rhapsody.

Hildebrand asked, quietly, when the King had run to the end of his rhapsody.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


