
View definitions for constitutionality


noun as in lawfulness

noun as in legality

noun as in legitimacy

noun as in legitimateness

noun as in licitness

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Intelligent people of goodwill disagree about the constitutionality of an impeachment trial of a former president.

While five Republicans joined Democrats in supporting the constitutionality of the trial both in a January vote and this week, Cassidy was the lone GOP senator who switched his position to join the Democrats.

During a vote on the constitutionality of the proceedings a few weeks ago, five Republican senators joined Democrats to affirm that they believed the trial should be allowed to move forward.

From Vox

Technology industry groups have long signaled they will consider challenging the constitutionality of the tax if it becomes law.

The constitutionality of the statute actually has never been defended.

For a third time, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of searching a person without probable cause.

Instead, the lobbyist insisted, “My experience is that Congress tends to run roughshod over constitutionality.”

“The last thing that Congress does is look at the constitutionality,” he said.

These are the same court watchers, after all, who ended up surprised by the decision on the constitutionality of Obamacare.

In Hollingsworth v. Perry, the court avoided any ruling on the constitutionality of state marriage bans.

They affirmed, on the contrary, the belief that only the federal courts can decide the constitutionality of a federal law.

Down to that period, the constitutionality of these laws had been no more doubted in South Carolina than elsewhere.

It is, Sir, only within a few years that Carolina has denied the constitutionality of these protective laws.

Even a liberal constructionist might have hesitated as to its constitutionality.

Again he approved a bill for this purpose in 1810, though from his writings it is apparent he doubted their constitutionality.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


