- loving it
- lovingly
- lovingness
- low
- low blow
- low boiling point
- low camp
- low comedy
- low den
- low ebb
- low frequency
- low impact
- low in quality
- low in spirits
- low man on totem pole
- low on
- low person on the totem pole
- low point
- low posture
- low price
- low profile
- low relief
- low spirits
- low tariff
- low tech
- low tide
- low tone
- low visibility
- low voice
- low water
- low-and-middle-income housing
- low-born
- low-browed
- low-budget Western
- low-calorie food
- low-cost
- low-cost housing
- low-cut
- low-down
- low-down dirty
- low-fat
- low-fat food
- low-grade
- low-hanging
- low-key
- low-keyed
- low-life
- low-lying
- low-minded
- low-neck
- low-necked
- low-pitched
- low-pressure
- low-pressure salesmanship
- low-pressure selling
- low-priced
- low-quality
- low-ranking
- low-rent
- low-set
- low-spirited
- low-spiritedness
- low-toned
- lowborn
- lowboy
- lowbred
- lowbrow
- lowbrowed
- lowdown
- lower
- lower animal
- lower class
- lower criticism
- lower group
- lower one's voice
- lower oneself
- lower orders
- lower ranks
- lower register
- lower rung
- lower than
- lower the boom
- lower world
- lowered
- lowering
- lowermost
- lowery
- lowest
- lowest class
- lowest common denominator
- lowest level
- lowest part
- lowest point
- lowest rate of interest
- lowest social class
- lowland
- lowlife
- lowliness
- lowly
- lowness
- loxodromic curve
- loyal
- loyalist
- loyalists
- loyally
- loyalty
- lozenge
- lubberly
- lube
- lube job
- lubricant
- lubricate
- lubrication
- lubricative
- lubrici
- lubricious
- lubricity
- lubricous
- lucarne
- lucent
- lucid
- lucidity
- lucidly
- lucidness
- lucifer match
- luck
- luck in
- luck of the Irish
- luck of the draw
- luck out
- lucked into
- lucked out
- luckiest
- luckily
- luckiness
- luckless
- lucky
- lucky break
- lucky find
- lucky hit
- lucky piece
- lucky shot
- lucky star
- lucky strike
- lucky-dog
- lucrative
- lucre
- lucubrate
- lucubration
- lucubratory
- luculent
- ludicrous
- ludicrous. laughable
- ludicrously
- ludicrousness
- lug
- lug in
- lug iron
- luge
- luggage
- lugged
- lugging
- lugsail
- lugubriosity
- lugubrious
- lukewarm
- lull
- lull to sleep
- lullaby
- lulled
- lulling
- lulu
- lumbar region
- lumber
- lumber cutter
- lumbered
- lumbering
- lumbering pace
- lumberingly
- lumberjack
- lumberman
- luminance
- luminaries
- luminary
- luminesce
- luminescence
- luminescent
- luminosity
- luminous
- luminous body
- luminously
- luminousness
- lummox
- lump
- lump it
- lump sum
- lump together
- lumped together
- lumping together
- lumpish
- lumps
- lumpy
- luna
- lunacy
- lunar
- lunar module
- lunatic
- lunatic asylum
- lunatic fringe
- lunch
- lunch counter
- lunch meat
- lunch wagon
- lunch-bucket worker
- luncheon
- luncheon meat
- luncheonette
- lunchmeat
- lunchroom
- lunchtime
- lune
- lunette
- lunette window
- lung
- lunge
- lunge at
- lunged
- lungi
- lunging
- lungs
- lunkhead
- lupine
- lurch
- lurched
- lurching
- lure
- lured
- lurer
- lurid
- luring
- lurk
- lurked
- lurker
- lurking
- lurks
- luscious
- lush
- lushness
- lust
- lust after
- luster
- lusterless
- lustful
- lustfully
- lustfulness
- lustily
- lustiness
- lusting
- lustral
- lustrate
- lustration
- lustrative
- lustrous
- lustrously
- lustrum
- lusty
- lusus naturae
- lute
- luxate
- luxated
- luxation
- luxuriance
- luxuriant
- luxuriantly
- luxuriate
- luxuriate in
- luxuries
- luxurious
- luxuriously
- luxuriousness
- luxury
- luxury articles
- luxury items
- luxury liner
- lyceum
- lydian stone
- lying
- lying down
- lying low
- lying-in
- lymphatic
- lynch
- lynch law
- lynch mob
- lyncher
- lynching
- lynx
- lyra
- lyric
- lyric poet