6 Fun Writing Activities For Middle School Kids

We’ve rounded up writing activities aimed at middle-school age kids to get them to practice writing and to channel their creativity. Try out a writing activity yourself too!

1. Practice your argumentative writing.

In an argumentative essay, the writer takes a stance on a debatable topic. This stance, and the claims to back it up, is the argument. An argumentative thesis statement allows the writer to take a position about a subject (e.g., the deeper meaning of a literary text, the best policy towards a social problem) and to convince readers of their stance. The body of the argumentative essay uses examples and other evidence to support the writer’s opinion.

For example: Shakespeares’s Taming of the Shrew uses humor, disguise, and social roles to criticize the lack of power women had in Elizabethan England.

Activity 1: Write an argumentative paragraph using these seven argumentative words:

Already an expert at argumentative writing? You’ll find 10 alternatives to in conclusion here.

Activity 2: Write your own scary campfire story.

Then share it with other students or family. (Bonus: turn off the lights and use a flashlight while you read it!)

To learn how to write a great scary story, read this article!

2. Write about careers.

First, watch a video on unique careers you may have never heard of. Then watch another video specifically about people who write the definitions in a dictionary: lexicographers.

Try one of these three activities:

  • Write a paragraph about which unique career from the videos above you might like to do when you’re older. Why
  • Practice creating your own resume using our template from this article: How Do I Write A Résumé?
  • Watch a movie and write down all of the careers the characters in the movie have. Look up the careers in the dictionary if you’re unfamiliar with any of the career terms.

3. Practice taking notes.

Take notes while watching a video.

WATCH: Types Of Hooks


Activity 1: While watching the “Types of Hooks” video, use these guided notes [PDF] to take notes about it. If you don’t have a printer, copy down some of the prompts from the guided notes onto a piece of paper or computer document.

Activity 2: Take notes about the information in this video (using some of the guided notes prompts from above).

Activity 3: Ask another student or family member about their favorite “hooks” in songs. Although a hook in a song may not come at the beginning, this is still what “hooks” the listener in and makes them want more. Listen to a couple of songs together, and see if you all can identify the hook together.

4. Find the main idea.

Find the main idea (or the author’s purpose) in some informational texts. Read these informational texts [PDF] and answer the close reading questions.

Then, complete the graphic organizers (in the link with the informational texts) on the main idea, author’s purpose, and compare/contrast that follow.

Activity 1: Read this article: “Introvert” vs. “Extrovert”. Answer the following close reading questions.

  • What is the origin of the word introvert?
  • What does the word extrovert mean?
  • Are these two words similar in meaning?
  • What do these words typically describe?
  • Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Activity 2: Watch a fun movie.

After the movie, discuss what you think the main idea and the author’s purpose of the movie was.

Activity 3: Think about your friends or family members and classify them as introverts or extroverts.

Then tell them what you think they are and see if they agree.

5. Practice nonfiction writing.

Activity 1: Respond to one of these prompts:

  • The governments of the world have agreed to ban all vehicles and factories that produce air pollution. What is this new world like?
  • Imagine you are an aluminum can. Describe your journey from the store to a home to a recycling center from the can’s point of view.
  • Write an explanation of the water cycle for a 7-year-old child. Be sure to use simple vocabulary.

For more ideas, check out this page of writing prompts!

Activity 2: Read a nonfiction article or book about an environmental crusader, such as Rachel Carson, Al Gore, or Greta Thunberg.

Look up the meaning of any unfamiliar words on Dictionary.com, then write a report about what you learned.

6. Practice spelling.

Activity 1: Have you ever wondered why words in English have so many different spelling rules?

Consider these discussion or writing prompts:

  • Is there a spelling rule that you just don’t agree with? Why?
  • Have you or any friends ever sent an auto-correct error in a text?

Activity 2: Look over this article on how spell checking works in our technology.

Go through your text messages together with other students. Find out who has the most misspellings. Was it auto-correct or just a human error?

Watch these videos about typos and share funny stories about auto-correct.

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