Have you ever counted how many times you say the word “sorry” in a day? Chances are it’s more often than you think. A study conducted in 2016 by the BBC reports that Brits say it around eight times a day!
So where does this word come from? Sorry has been around since before the year 900, with roots in Old English and Middle English.
This pesky, although well-intentioned, little word tends to slip into situations where it doesn’t belong, such as when you accidentally bump into someone on your way to work, or when you don’t understand something.
The problem with saying “sorry” so often is that it loses its meaning when it’s needed to truly comfort another person. A sorry doesn’t sound so genuine when you’ve heard it a million times. So how do we fix this sorry epidemic?
Read on to figure out which interactions might benefit from another word (instead of sorry). You’d be surprised how many alternatives there are!