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watercraft is a synonym of boat

noun [ wot-ter-kraft ]

watercraft is another word for boat

✅ A boat is a small vessel for traveling on water (We took a boat out on the lake).

✅ A watercraft refers to any vehicle used for traveling on water (The marina was full of various watercraft).

✅ Both terms describe vehicles designed for water travel.

✅ A boat typically refers to smaller vessels, while watercraft is a broader term that includes all types of water vehicles (The boat sailed smoothly; The harbor was full of jet skis, catamarans, and other watercraft).

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adroitly is a synonym of gracefully

adverb [ uh-droit-lee ]

adroitly is another word for gracefully

Gracefully means moving in a smooth, elegant way (She danced gracefully across the stage).

Adroitly means skillfully and cleverly, especially in using the hands or mind (He adroitly maneuvered the car through traffic).

✅ Both words describe performing actions with skill and finesse.

Gracefully often refers to physical movement, while adroitly can apply to both physical and mental skill (He bowed gracefully; She solved the puzzle adroitly).

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thoroughfare is a synonym of street

noun [ thur-oh-fair ]

thoroughfare is another word for street

✅ A street is a public road in a city or town, usually with houses and buildings on one or both sides (I live across the street from my friend).

✅ A thoroughfare refers to a main road or public highway (The thoroughfare was busy with traffic).

✅ Both terms describe types of roads or paths used for travel.

Street is more commonly used to describe smaller, everyday roads, while thoroughfare implies a larger or more significant route (The kids played on the street; The parade marched down the main thoroughfare).

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