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utterly is a synonym of totally

adverb [ uht-er-lee ]

utterly is another word for totally

The adverb utterly likes to exaggerate and embellish, especially when it comes to painting a negative picture. You're likely to find utterly modifying low adjectives such as destroyed, ridiculous, and useless. Totally, on the other hand, prefers to spend its time as a verbal cheerleader: I totally agree; we totally understand!

Commonly found as

utterly useless
They found it was a waste of money and utterly useless to try to fix the old barn, so they built a new one out of what they could salvage.
completely and utterly
The scholar's claims about mental health were completely false and utterly shameful.

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nuance is a synonym of subtlety

noun [ noo-ahns, nyoo-, noo-ahns, nyoo- ]

nuance is another word for subtlety

When referring to slight differences or distinctions, the words subtlety and nuance are very close synonyms! A subtlety is a fine-grain distinction. The word nuance comes from the French word meaning “shade” or “hue,” and is used to discuss slight shades of difference in expression and meaning as well as in color and tone. There is a degree of elusiveness suggested by this term: just as it might be difficult to pinpoint the exact point at which a color in a rainbow changes from one to the next, so the nuances in a person’s tone might be difficult to demarcate or distinguish.

Commonly found as

complexities and nuances
The movie had so many complexities and nuances that she discovered something new every time she watched it.
capture the nuances
The camerawoman tried to capture the nuances of the painter's intricate brushwork so that the mural came alive for the viewers watching from home.

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unflappable is a synonym of composed

adjective [ uhn-flap-uh-buhl ]

unflappable is another word for composed

Someone who is composed is calm and collected—they have their feelings under control in a given moment. Someone who is unflappable is utterly unshakable or imperturbable, especially in a crisis. Someone with an unflappable demeanor, for instance, is remarkable for their even-keeled conduct and deportment, even when it might seem perfectly reasonable to the rest of us to make a flap!

Commonly found as

unflappable demeanor
She made many difficult and momentous decisions, but the world leader was remembered most for her unflappable demeanor.
seemingly unflappable
The volleyball team was nervous in practice because they will face the seemingly unflappable defending champions next week.

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