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uncanny is a synonym of strange

adjective [ uhn-kan-ee ]

uncanny is another word for strange

Both words suggest something distinctly out of the ordinary that excites fear or curiosity. Strange is the more common, broader term with a number of dictionary definitions. It can refer to something unfamiliar (strange faces) or a subjective state (felt strange), but the sense pertinent here refers to something that is unusual, odd, or extraordinary: strange sounds; strange behavior. Strange often implies causing uneasiness or fear, but the effects of uncanny can be downright eerie. Something uncanny is out of the ordinary but also hard to believe or account for, so that it sometimes evokes the supernatural: uncanny intuition; an uncanny ability to know what I’m thinking. Resemblances are one of uncanny’s most frequent uses in addition to uncanny similarities and uncanny impersonations.

Commonly found as

uncanny resemblance
It was hard to ignore the uncanny resemblance between the stranger at our door and the mysterious portrait we kept in the attic.
uncanny ability
He has the uncanny ability to knock on the door right when we’re sitting down to a meal.

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circuitous is a synonym of indirect

adjective [ ser-kyoo-i-tuhs ]

circuitous is another word for indirect

Both words describe something that does not take a direct or straight course from point A to point B. You might take an indirect route home in order to enjoy new sights or to avoid traffic. An indirect route is not necessarily circuitous, but it could be if it’s particularly or unnecessarily complex, lengthy, or roundabout. A circuitous route, road, journey, or process may be twisty and windy or make a circular course to reach the destination. The word can be neutral or have a negative connotation. A circuitous argument, for example, does not get straight to the point and rambles or meanders.

Commonly found as

circuitous journey
The documentary follows the protagonist on his circuitous journey across Sicily, looking for the woman who took care of him when he was a baby.
take a circuitous route
She took a circuitous route to the store to avoid running into anyone she knew.

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platitude is a synonym of cliché

noun [ plat-i-tood, -tyood ]

platitude is another word for cliché

Both words suggest the use of language that is ineffective because it is unoriginal and overused.  A cliché is an expression or saying that has been used so much that it has lost any originality, interest, or impact it might have once had. The expression “white as snow” is a cliché. “Everything happens for a reason” is both a cliché and a platitude. Platitudes are flat, overused remarks, especially moralizing ones offered or spouted to people who are looking for hope, consolation, or just an explanation. As a response to serious civil unrest, “Let us celebrate our differences” would be an empty platitude.

Commonly found as

offer platitudes
When I got older, I realized that many politicians are only capable of offering platitudes, not wisdom.
the usual platitude(s)
The staff is fed up with having their complaints met with the usual platitude about the company “being like a family.”

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