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tenacity is a synonym of perseverance

noun [ tuh-nas-i-tee ]

tenacity is another word for perseverance

Perseverance is the perfect word to refer to persistence in spite of difficulties and setbacks (Her perseverance was a factor in her success).

Tenacity is the perfect word to refer to holding onto or working toward something—literally or figuratively—in a steadfast and dogged way (He pursued the burglary case with tenacity).

✅ Both perseverance and tenacity suggest doggedness, determination, and strength in the face of failure (It takes a lot of tenacity to achieve your goals; Their perseverance was their most notable trait).

✅ However, perseverance centers the idea of overcoming difficulty and setbacks, whereas tenacity centers the idea of holding on or continuing (Tenacity helped her through the difficult climb; It took perseverance to get her concerns heard).

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band is a synonym of company

noun [ band ]

band is another word for company

Company refers to a group of people that is often but not always united by some occupation or purpose (the ship’s company; a company of dog-walkers).

Band is the best word for a group of people, usually smaller and more close-knit than a company, who are united by a purpose or fate. Band carries the suggestion that the group of people will have to work together (band of survivors).

Band is most commonly used to refer to a group of musicians, and company is most often used to refer to a group of actors who tend to work together (The band is playing tonight; They acted with the same company for years).

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disconcert is a synonym of confuse

verb [ dis-kuhn-surt ]

disconcert is another word for confuse

Confuse refers to the act of bewildering someone, or making them feel mentally lost (The complicated rules confused me) and lacks an emotional implication.

Disconcert has a similar meaning but carries an element of making someone feel uncomfortable or uneasy (Her strong reaction disconcerted me).

Disconcert generally suggests that someone is perplexed through irritation, or that they’re perturbed (I was disconcerted by the sudden change of atmosphere).

Disconcert also can suggest a more lasting sense of bewilderment than confuse (His strange prophecy disconcerted me for days).

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