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steely is a synonym of icy

adjective [ stee-lee ]

steely is another word for icy

✅ An icy tone or manner is an unfriendly one that might leave you a little shaky (He replied to his friend with a mean, icy voice).

✅ A steely tone or manner is calculated and determined in a rigid sort of way (“This is how you will complete the task,” she said in a steely voice).

✅ Both words denote a coldness in someone’s voice or manner.

✅ Icy generally describes coldness in demeanor, whereas steely specifically refers to strength and determination with a clear dose of harshness (His tone was icy, making everyone uncomfortable; Their steely resolve impressed the rival team).

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chap is a synonym of guy

noun [ chap ]

chap is another word for guy

✅ Guy is an informal term for a boy or a man (That guy on the street is hailing a cab).

✅ Chap is also an informal term for a boy or a man, but it is chiefly used in British-speaking parts of the world (What a fine chap that Charlie is!)

✅ Both words address a fellow boy or man.

Guy is definitely more common in American usage and slightly more neutral and less endearing than the British chap (Some guy was making a scene at the grocery store; My friend is such a good chap).

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intend is a synonym of aim

verb [ in-tend ]

intend is another word for aim

Aim means to direct one's efforts or purpose towards achieving something (She aimed to finish her project by the end of the week).

Intend means to have a plan or purpose in mind for something (He intends to start a new business next year).

✅ Both words describe having a goal or purpose.

Aim often implies a more directed or focused effort, while intend can be more about the general planning or desire (She aimed at the target with precision; He intends to travel the world someday).

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