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noun [ stan-derd-bair-er ]

standard-bearer is another word for protagonist

✅ A protagonist is a leading person in a movement or cause or an advocate for a certain cause or similar (the protagonist of a medieval revolt).

✅ A standard-bearer is an easily noticed or recognized leader of a certain movement or political party (a standard-bearer for green energy).

Protagonist is commonly used to mean the hero in a story, and when used to refer to an advocate for a cause, often suggests a central figure key to the "story" of that movement or cause.

Standard-bearer comes from a term referring to someone who carries a flag, or standard, into a battle. A standard-bearer in a political sense is a leader who clearly and conspicuously stands for or supports the aims and ideals of a party or movement.

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parable is a synonym of fable

noun [ par-uh-buhl ]

parable is another word for fable

✅ A fable is a short story, generally designed to teach a moral lesson. Fable can also refer to myths, legends, or fairy tales (I collect books of fables).

✅ A parable is a short story that illustrates a truth, a religious principle, or a moral lesson (She told me a parable that explained the consequences of lying).

Fables and parables are both forms of story, often folk tales or fairy stories.

Parable can refer to any story that illustrates a truth or lesson, while fable doesn’t always refer to a story that teaches a lesson.

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wolf is a synonym of devour

verb [ woolf ]

wolf is another word for devour

Devour means to eat something hungrily or eagerly (I devoured my breakfast after going for a run).

Wolf means to devour something particularly eagerly (She wolfed her food, finishing long before everyone else).

Devour and wolf both suggest eating quickly, in a focused way. They also both suggest eating ravenously and not being picky.

Wolf is a more intense word than devour, but it is also more blunt, and it can be more or less evocative depending on context (We devoured every meal at the feast; I wolfed down handfuls of berries).

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