Synonym of the day

Synonym of the day


smaller is a synonym of less

adjective [ smawl-er ]

smaller is another word for less


Less is typically used in comparisons of amounts that are not countable (Walking requires less energy than running).

Smaller is the perfect comparative adjective when referring to something limited in size that is also concrete (They moved to a smaller house; In Europe, they drive smaller cars).

➕ To really emphasize how much something continues to be smaller than it previously was, you may say it keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller.

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state is a synonym of condition

noun [ steyt ]

state is another word for condition


✅  Condition and state are terms for existing situations or surroundings.

✅  State is the more general and neutral word (state of affairs; current state) and is often modified by more exciting adjectives like blissful or parlous.

✅  Condition implies a relationship to causes and circumstances (Due to deteriorating weather conditions, they chose to stay another night at the hotel).

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ensue is a synonym of follow

verb [ en-soo ]

ensue is another word for follow


Follow is a general word that refers to something occurring after something else, usually as a consequence or effect (The announcement to the company followed her promotion).

Ensue implies a logical sequence of events (After the workers went on strike, a fight with the union ensued).

✅ Ensue is the perfect word to add a little drama when you want to say that something is expected normally to come after an act or cause (If you let the kids eat all the candy, chaos will ensue).

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