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scrutinize is a synonym of explore

verb [ skroot-n-ahyz ]

scrutinize is another word for explore

The verbs explore and scrutinize both mean “to examine,” but scrutinize implies doing so with a more critical eye. To scrutinize something is to inspect it methodically with very close attention to detail. Items that are commonly scrutinized, such as budgets, data, and applications, tend to be complex and consequential. Similarly, people seeking positions of rank and consequence, such as candidates for political office, may be subjected to scrutiny.

Commonly found as

carefully scrutinize, closely scrutinize
The investigators carefully scrutinized the company's internet security protocol in order to determine the cause of the data breach.
scrutinize detail
The vetting committee scrutinized every last detail of the candidate's background.

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furnish is a synonym of provide

verb [ fur-nish ]

furnish is another word for provide

The verbs provide and furnish both mean to make something available, but provide is the more general and far more prevalent term. Furnish suggests equipping someone (or a group of people) with needed or useful items or information for a specific task or purpose. Where furnish very notably diverges from provide is in its ability to pull a room together; furnish in this sense means “to supply (a house or room) with necessary furniture, carpets, appliances, etc.”

Commonly found as

furnish information, furnish details
Congress demanded the agency furnish information related to the investigation.
furnish + with
The manager furnished her employees with the equipment they needed to perform their work remotely.

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advancement is a synonym of development

noun [ ad-vans-muhnt, -vahns- ]

advancement is another word for development

The nouns development and advancement both deal with change. But advancement implies great forward progression, the kind that we might associate with significant leaps in research or understanding. This term is also widely used to talk about active furtherance of something, such as a cause, belief, or undertaking. For instance, an organization might be focused on the advancement of human rights or the advancement of democratic values. Advancement may also be used to refer to promotion in rank or standing, the kind of upward movement an employee might strive for at a workplace.

Commonly found as

technological advancements
Rapid technological advancements in the last 50 years have revolutionized the way we communicate.
advancement of knowledge
The professor believed academic freedom was fundamental to the advancement of knowledge. 

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