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scoop is a synonym of article

noun [ skoop ]

scoop is another word for article

✅ An article is a piece of written work that is usually published in a periodical or journal (The magazine was full of articles and think pieces).

✅ A scoop is a breaking news story first published in a specific newspaper or magazine (I found the scoop in a local newspaper).

✅ A scoop is also an article, but a scoop has to include new information or reveal a breaking story (She got the scoop on the new museum opening), whereas an article can repeat or summarize information.

Article is more general than scoop and can refer to any published nonfiction writing, whether or not it has a journalistic style or relays any newsworthy information (My article on knitting a sweater was published in a magazine).

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administer is a synonym of govern

verb [ ad-min-uh-ster ]

administer is another word for govern

Govern means to rule or control something or a group of people (govern a country).

Administer means to manage or be in charge of certain affairs (administer a department) or to bring something into use or operation (administer the test).

✅ Both of these words refer to being in charge of something, such as a government.

Administer suggests only being in control of certain aspects, whereas govern suggests ruling over all aspects of something.

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fad is a synonym of trend

noun [ fad ]

fad is another word for trend

✅ A trend is a particular tendency or direction, particularly in fashion or culture (In cinema, there is a trend towards reboots and remakes).

✅ A fad is a particularly temporary trend, especially one followed by a particular group for a short time (For a while, I followed every social media fad).

Trend and fad refer to fashionable styles or cultural ideas that are temporary or in flux.

Fad is often used derogatorily.

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