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safeguard is a synonym of protect

verb [ seyf-gahrd ]

safeguard is another word for protect

To safeguard something is to guard, protect, or secure it. Often this term suggests taking forceful measures to ensure something does or does not happen. As a result, the term conveys a degree of assurance that the safety of something is guaranteed. Safeguard is more likely to be used of ideas or concepts—immaterial things—than it is of property or physical objects. For instance, you’re more likely to hear of a leader or governing body taking measures to safeguard the rights of a specific group than to safeguard a wetland, the latter being better suited for use with the verb protect.

Commonly found as

safeguard the rights
The committee voted on a new resolution in order to safeguard the rights of all the employees, regardless of the number of years they had been working.
safeguard against
Although it is annoying to have to change passwords constantly, the extra security measures help to safeguard against identity theft.

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corroborate is a synonym of confirm

verb [ kuh-rob-uh-reyt ]

corroborate is another word for confirm

To corroborate something is to make more certain of it with evidence. In a courtroom, witnesses might be called to corroborate a story put forth by a defendant. Early findings in scientific research might be corroborated by additional scholarly work or laboratory results. More broadly, corroborate means “to strengthen”—and since this term's debut in English in the first half of the 16th century, it has been used to refer to strengthening or reinforcing things materially, to strengthening the health of things or people, and to strengthening a claim or statement.

Commonly found as

corroborate + story
His friends corroborated his story that he was far from the birthday cake when it got destroyed.
evidence to corroborate
The insurance company needed more evidence to corroborate her claim of not being at fault for the accident.

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brainchild is a synonym of creation

noun [ breyn-chahyld ]

brainchild is another word for creation

The noun brainchild is used to refer to a product of one’s creative work or thought (the child of one’s brain, of course!). This heady compound is used of events, campaigns, companies, or elaborate projects—or the animating idea behind them. Use of this term usually connotes a degree of admiration for something truly original, and is almost always used in the context of giving credit or attributing success to a certain creative individual. So where there is a brainchild, there is usually a "brain parent" mentioned nearby.

Commonly found as

brainchild of
The innovative app was the brainchild of a former mechanic.
project + brainchild
The project was the brainchild of a well-respected adjunct faculty member who saw the need for more dialogue on implicit bias in academia.

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