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rousing is a synonym of thrilling

adjective [ rou-zing ]

rousing is another word for thrilling

✅ Thrilling describes something that causes you to feel a sudden strong emotion, like fear or excitement (a thrilling plot).

✅ Rousing describes something that is exciting—something that fascinates and enthralls you (a rousing campaign).

✅ Both of these words describe things that might be exciting or especially interesting. They usually describe things like movies or books but can also describe a person’s personality, behavior, or conversation (He was a thrilling speakerThey were a rousing player on the field).

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involuntary is a synonym of instinctual

adjective [ in-vol-uhn-ter-ee ]

involuntary is another word for instinctual

Instinctual describes something that happens due to instinct or as if from instinct (an instinctual fear of fire).

Involuntary describes something that is unintentional or that happens unconsciously (an involuntary wince).

✅ Both these terms describe things that happen without conscious thought. Instinctual suggests unthinking responses that could be shared by others (It’s instinctual to run when being chased).

Involuntary is more general and suggests any kind of unconscious response (I couldn’t stop my palms from sweating when I was called on by the teacher, it was completely involuntary).

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staunch is a synonym of resolute

adjective [ stahnch ]

staunch is another word for resolute

Resolute describes someone or something that shows firmness and determination (She was resolute in her decision).

Staunch describes someone or something that shows firmness, steadfastness, and loyalty (He was a staunch defender of his favorite celebrity).

Resolute and staunch both can be used to describe determination and a strong, self-possessed attitude.

Staunch primarily implies loyalty, whereas resolute primarily implies determination and strength of mind.

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