✅ Opposite is the best word to describe two things which are contrary or different, often in placement or character (the opposite side of the room; They reached opposite conclusions).
✅ Reverse is the best word to describe something that starts in one direction or position, and then faces or moves in the opposite direction (reverse course; reverse trend).
✅ Opposite and reverse are sometimes used interchangeably when describing something with two sides (the opposite side of the coin; the reverse side of the paper).
✅ Reverse and opposite are also sometimes used interchangeably to describe opposing statements (the opposite is also true; I think it’s the reverse of what you said).
Do the opposite of what we’re about to say: ignore these synonyms for reverse!
✅ Tired is a common word to describe a state of having used up most of your energy (The dog was tired from playing all day).
✅ Exhausted is more intense than tired and describes having no energy left at all (She felt exhausted after moving the furniture). Often, it implies that you’ve done something requiring a lot of effort (We were all exhausted after the climb).
✅ Tired and exhausted can also both refer to low emotional energy, or describe a lack of sleep (Job stress left him exhausted; I woke up still tired).
If you’re not tired of learning check out these synonyms for exhausted!
✅ Humble means to lower someone’s pride, or make them less arrogant (His defeat humbled him).
✅ Humiliate means to make someone feel completely worthless or inadequate in a painful way (The boss humiliated them).
✅ Humiliate usually implies treating someone cruelly (We humiliated the emperor in battle), while humble just means bringing someone down a peg, or encouraging them to be less arrogant (Seeing the number of errors in his work humbled him).
Try using humiliate in a paragraph about a sports event with the help of Grammar Coach.