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reverie is a synonym of daydream

noun [ rev-uh-ree ]

reverie is another word for daydream

✅ A daydream refers to a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention from the present (She spent the afternoon lost in a daydream about her upcoming vacation). 

✅ A reverie is a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts or daydreams, often involving imaginative or reflective thinking (He was startled out of his reverie by the phone ringing). 

✅ Both words describe a state of being absorbed in pleasant thoughts. 

Daydream is used more casually for drifting thoughts, while reverie often implies a deeper, more meditative or romantic state of mind (He often daydreamed during boring lectures; The music took her into a reverie of past memories).

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wholly is a synonym of completely

adverb [ hohl-lee ]

wholly is another word for completely

Completely means to the fullest extent or entirety (She was completely satisfied with the outcome). 

Wholly refers to something being entire or total, often used to emphasize completeness (The plan was wholly approved by the board). 

✅ Both words express a sense of totality or fullness. 

Completely emphasizes total fulfillment of a condition or action, while wholly suggests an all-encompassing nature or total involvement (The task was completely finished before the deadline; The project was wholly supported by the community).

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ordinance is a synonym of law

noun [ awr-dn-uhns ]

ordinance is another word for law

✅ A law refers to a system of rules created and enforced by a governing body (The new law prohibits smoking in public places). 

✅ An ordinance is a specific rule or regulation enacted by a local government (The city passed an ordinance to reduce noise pollution). 

✅ Both terms describe rules that regulate behavior. 

Law is a broader term encompassing all types of legal rules, while ordinance specifically refers to local regulations (The law requires all drivers to wear seat belts; The ordinance restricts parking on certain streets).

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