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relaxed is a synonym of breezy

adjective [ ri-lakst ]

relaxed is another word for breezy

Breezy means lighthearted and lively (a breezy approach to life).

Relaxed means free from tension and anxiety (I was feeling relaxed over the weekend).

Breezy and relaxed aren’t exact synonyms, but both suggest feeling easy, light-hearted, and carefree.

Breezy describes being lively, sprightly, and animated, and typically refers to one’s disposition. Relaxed suggests being in a state that is easy-going, rested, and mellow.

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sketchy is a synonym of incomplete

adjective [ skech-ee ]

sketchy is another word for incomplete

✅ Incomplete describes something that doesn’t have all its elements or features (an incomplete set).

✅ Sketchy describes something that has only the major elements and is otherwise underdeveloped or insubstantial (a sketchy understanding of the topic).

✅ Incomplete and sketchy express similar ideas and both describe something that is lacking parts or elements.

✅ However, sketchy suggests that the main features are present but in a vague or undetailed way, while incomplete suggests that something is missing, even though what is present might be detailed and well-developed (Her testimony was sketchy and unhelpfulHer descriptions were clear, but her knowledge of the event was incomplete).

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outline is a synonym of draft

noun [ out-lahyn ]

outline is another word for draft

✅ Draft refers to a plan of something or sketch that will be refined later (I made a draft of the reply I wanted to send in an email).

✅ Outline refers to a sketch of the main features or elements of something (She had an outline of the day’s activities for the guests).

✅ Draft and outline both mean a rough idea of something.

✅ Draft suggests an initial form of an artistic composition with some but not all the necessary details. Outline suggests a written or spoken overview of the main features or ideas (I need a draft of the first chapterI conveyed an outline of my ideas).

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