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recollection is a synonym of memory

noun [ rek-uh-lek-shuhn ]

recollection is another word for memory

Memory refers to the act or power of retaining and then recalling a fact, event, or impression. It can also refer to something recalled or remembered (a good memory for facts).

Recollection refers to the act or power of bringing something back into your mind and can also refer to something brought back in this way (I have no recollection of that).

Memory and recollection mean essentially the same thing, though recollection is more formal and emphasizes the power of clearly remembering something in detail rather than the ability to simply remember it (Can you describe to us your recollection of the events?).

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bustle is a synonym of hustle

verb [ buhs-uhl ]

bustle is another word for hustle

Hustle means to work energetically and suggests a rapid pace (She hustled to meet her deadline).

Bustle means to move around in a way that suggests energy or activity (He bustled around the kitchen).

Hustle and bustle are similar words with similar meanings.

Hustle specifically suggests working at a quick pace, whereas bustle suggests moving energetically, whether you’re being productive or not (just bustling along).

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ornery is a synonym of crotchety

adjective [ awr-nuh-ree ]

ornery is another word for crotchety

Crotchety describes someone who is both grouchy and given to odd whims (a rich, crotchety old man).

Ornery describes someone who is stubborn or who is unpleasant to be around (an ornery customer who always complained).

✅ Both crotchety and ornery describe stubborn and unpleasant people.

✅ However, crotchety suggests an element of eccentricity that ornery does not (She was crotchety and wanted everything done a certain way).

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