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rapport is a synonym of relationship

noun [ ra-pawr, -pohr, ruh- ]

rapport is another word for relationship

Relationship is a general term that can be applied to a wide range of connections, involvements, or associations—each of us has a particular relationship with technology, for instance (some better than others!). The noun rapport is more specific: this term is used of relations between people and suggests a harmonious and sympathetic type of connection. For example, a teacher might try to establish a close rapport with students—a connection marked by mutual understanding and good communication.

Commonly found as

establish rapport
It was important for the diplomat to establish good rapport with other public officials in her assigned region.
instant rapport
He felt an instant rapport with the new employee; within seconds of meeting, their conversation flowed and it felt as though they had known each other for years.

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fortuitous is a synonym of lucky

adjective [ fawr-too-i-tuhs, -tyoo- ]

fortuitous is another word for lucky

Something that is fortuitous happens by chance or without known cause. In modern standard use, the term almost always carries the senses both of accident or chance and luck or fortune, as in the case of a fortuitous encounter with a former acquaintance that leads to a promising new career opportunity (a happy accident!). Beware that some stylists and editors may object to the use of fortuitous to mean anything more than "accidental." In formal writing, when your intended meaning is less about a happy accident and more about fortune's favor, the adjective fortunate may be a better option.


Commonly found as

timing + fortuitous
The young journalist moved to the small town on a whim last fall, but her timing was fortuitous as a big story was just about to break.
prove fortuitous
The road closure proved fortuitous for the runner who, forced into a new route, found a $50 bill on the sidewalk.

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insipid is a synonym of bland

adjective [ in-sip-id ]

insipid is another word for bland

A bland sauce is mild and tasteless. A bland vocabulary lacks flavorful descriptors such as insipid! Insipid means without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities, as in the case of remarks that are uninspired and flat, or song lyrics that are so clichéd they are utterly dull. Neither of these terms is used as a compliment, generally speaking, but insipid is the more pointed of the two, connoting at times a shallowness or lack of mental rigor.

Commonly found as

dull and insipid
We expected a poignant and heartfelt speech, but instead we were subjected to an hour of dull and insipid platitudes.
insipid song
The soundtrack launched into a version of the same insipid love song she’d heard a thousand times before.

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