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puppet is a synonym of pawn

noun [ puhp-it ]

puppet is another word for pawn

✅ A pawn is someone who is used by someone else, generally in order to further a cause or plot that the person being used is unaware of (I was a pawn in my friend’s plan to get time off work).

✅ A puppet is a person or group of people whose actions are being controlled by another person or another group of people (The king was a puppet, controlled by his advisor).

Pawn suggests being used or manipulated, but not necessarily controlled, while puppet suggests being controlled, but not necessarily manipulated.

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sock is a synonym of punch

verb [ sok ]

sock is another word for punch

Punch means to hit something or someone with a closed fist (I punch my friends gently in the shoulder to say hello).

Sock means to hit something or someone particularly hard, generally with a closed fist (The superhero socked the villain in the face).

Punch is a more general word. Sock is more evocative and dramatic.

Punch can refer to a gentle or friendly hit, whereas sock always suggests a hard hit, especially one which knocks someone down or sends them reeling (The boxer really socked her opponent).

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roast is a synonym of pan

verb [ rohst ]

roast is another word for pan

Pan means to criticize something thoroughly or completely in some sort of published form (If I’d known that critics were going to pan my performance, I wouldn’t have made the movie).

Roast means to ridicule or criticize someone or something mercilessly (The actor was known to roast his own characters).

Pan and roast are both informal terms used to refer to criticizing something.

Pan suggests a public criticism, especially in a review (Reviewers panned the movie, but audiences loved it). Roast suggests making fun of something or someone, especially in a critical way (My friends and I roast each other for fun).

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