✅ Community refers collectively to the people in a certain area, who all share amenities such as schools and hospitals (The community was still reeling from the news).
✅ Public refers collectively to the people with a certain country, community, or area, particularly those who aren’t involved in politics or media (The public’s opinion of him was positive).
✅ Both of these words refer to bodies of people.
✅ Community is a narrower term than public, generally referring to a specific section of the public.
✅ Awesome describes things that inspire awe or a sense of grandeur (an awesome view).
✅ Majestic describes things that have a sense of majesty, power, or strength (What a majestic animal!).
✅ Both words are often used to describe natural things or phenomena.
✅ Awesome suggests something that takes your breath away. Majestic suggests something that evokes strength or wealth, generally in a figurative way.
✅ Nice describes something that is pleasing or agreeable (The blouse had a nice collar).
✅ Dainty describes something of delicate beauty to the point of being exquisite (The pastry was topped with a dainty marzipan figure).
✅ Both of these words can describe things that are delightful, expertly made, and show delicacy.
✅ The word nice has many more meanings, however, like precise or friendly.