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provisions is a synonym of food

noun [ pruh-vizh-uhn ]

provisions is another word for food

Food is a general word that you can use in most circumstances to refer to something nourishing that you can eat (favorite food; cheap food).

Provisions is the best word to use to refer to a store of food that is gathered beforehand with the intention of bringing it on a trip (packing provisions for the expedition) or using it for an extended stay (The shelter had plenty of provisions).

✅ While food generally (but not always) applies to food alone and not drinks, provisions generally includes drinks (Food and drink will be provided; Our bags were full of all the provisions we needed).

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trustworthy is a synonym of reliable

adjective [ truhst-wur-thee ]

trustworthy is another word for reliable

Reliable and trustworthy describe someone or something that can be depended upon with confident certainty.

Reliable suggests consistent dependability of judgment, character, performance, or result (a reliable car; a reliable source).

✅ Trustworthy emphasizes the steady and honest dependability that encourages confidence, belief, or trust (a trustworthy guide; trustworthy and accurate reports).

✅ Trustworthy is more frequently used to describe people and goes a little deeper than reliable (He may be reliable, but is he trustworthy?).

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industrious is a synonym of busy

adjective [ in-duhs-tree-uhs ]

industrious is another word for busy

Busy describes being engaged in work or a pastime, especially in a way that occupies a lot of your time (a busy week; I like keeping busy).

Industrious is the best word to describe being hardworking, especially in an energetic and goal-oriented way (He was an industrious worker).

Busy describes a state of being, whereas industrious describes a character trait.

Busy emphasizes not having a lot of time to spare (I'm too busy to pay attention to social media), whereas industrious emphasizes working hard as a general habit and often with a particular goal (She was always very industrious).

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