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promenade is a synonym of walk

verb [ prom-uh-neyd ]

promenade is another word for walk

Walk means to move along by putting one foot in front of the other (She walks to her job every day because she lives a few minutes away).

Promenade means to take a leisurely walk, especially in a public place for pleasure or display (They decided to promenade along the boardwalk).

✅ Both words describe the action of walking.

✅ To walk is to get from point A to point B, to promenade is to stroll leisurely — often for social or scenic purposes (The children were walking to school; They promenaded through the garden and greeted others along the path).

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inexorably is a synonym of fiercely

adverb [ in-ek-ser-uh-blee ]

inexorably is another word for fiercely

Fiercely means in a powerful, intense, or aggressive manner (She fought fiercely for her rights).

Inexorably means in a way that is relentless and impossible to stop (Time moves inexorably forward).

✅ Both words describe intense actions that are hard or impossible to ignore.

Fiercely is often used for aggressive intensity, while inexorably suggests a persistent, unstoppable force (The storm raged fiercely; The river flowed inexorably toward the sea, carving its path through the landscape).

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phenomenon is a synonym of event

noun [ fi-nom-uh-non ]

phenomenon is another word for event

✅ An event is something that happens, especially something important or notable (The concert was a major event).

✅ A phenomenon is an observable fact or occurrence, often something unusual and fascinating (The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon).

✅ Both words describe occurrences.

Events refer to specific, often planned occurrences, while phenomena can refer to natural or extraordinary occurrences (The wedding was a beautiful event; The phenomenon of bioluminescence amazed everyone).

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