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progenitor is a synonym of father

noun [ proh-jen-i-ter ]

progenitor is another word for father

✅ A father refers to a male parent or a man who has children (He is a loving father).

✅ A progenitor can be a male or female ancestor who takes part in the creation of future generations (Their sons and daughters were the progenitors of our family lineage).

✅ Both words describe a person from whom others descend.

Father is commonly used for a direct male parent, while progenitor can refer to distant ancestors or originators (My father taught me how to ride a bike; The progenitors of our family migrated here centuries ago).

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repudiate is a synonym of deny

verb [ ri-pyoo-dee-eyt ]

repudiate is another word for deny

✅ To deny is to say something is not true (He denied the accusations against him).

✅ To repudiate is to reject or refuse to accept something (She repudiated the outdated traditions of her family).

✅ Both terms describe rejection and refusal.

Deny is often used in the context of refusing the truth of a statement, while repudiate is stronger and can refer to rejecting beliefs or associations (They denied knowing anything about the incident; He repudiated his former mentor's controversial views).

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splinter is a synonym of break

verb [ splin-ter ]

splinter is another word for break

Break means to separate into pieces suddenly or violently (He accidentally broke the vase).

Splinter means to break into small, sharp pieces (The wood splintered under the heavy weight).

✅ Both terms describe smashing something into pieces.

Breaking something can also be done on purpose and can apply to a wider array of objects, while splintering specifically refers to those tiny, sharp pieces that can, well, give you splinters.

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