✅ To offer means to present something to be accepted or rejected. It can be something physical or intangible (She offered them help; He offered her his watch).
✅ Proffer means the same but it is more formal and literary (He proffered the crown).
✅ Offer is a general word you can use in all kinds of circumstances. Proffer is used almost exclusively in formal contexts, and you won’t see it as often (I offered him some lemonade; We proffer legal assistance).
We’d like to offer you these synonyms for proffer!
✅ Attribute is the best word for an innate characteristic, or characteristics that are fundamental to the person or thing (Gentleness was one of his attributes; The fabric’s attributes included lightness and breathability).
✅ Quality can refer to innate or acquired characteristics (Her speech had a sad quality; the chemical quality of vinegar).
✅ You can gain certain qualities over time, by choice, or through circumstances. Attribute implies that you’ve always had a certain quality.
Make a learning vocabulary one of your best qualities with these synonyms for attribute.
✅ Hint means to express an idea indirectly, but intelligibly (He kept hinting about what he wanted for his birthday).
✅ Intimate means to indicate something in a barely perceptible way (She intimated with her eyebrows that the seller was lying).
✅ Unlike to hint, to intimate something is always subtle and is usually given in order to influence a course of action (I intimated that it would be better to see a movie than go skating).
✅ You would usually use intimate in serious contexts, and it can sound formal. Hint is more general (He hinted that he liked flowers; He intimated that he was willing to take bribes).
We’ll more than hint that you should check out these synonyms for intimate.