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precipitate is a synonym of cause

verb [ verb pri-sip-i-teyt ]

precipitate is another word for cause

To cause something is to bring it about. To precipitate something is to accelerate its occurrence, or to bring it about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly. As you might expect, this verb is usually used to talk about undesirable or even perilous outcomes: crises, collapses, disasters, and downfalls are all things that are precipitated. On occasion, you’ll hear it used to discuss swift change that is favorable, but more often than not precipitate connotes a steep downward trajectory.

Commonly found as

precipitate a crisis
If two countries are at odds, then even a minor indiscretion could precipitate a crisis.
precipitated by
The financial collapse was precipitated by unsustainable lending practices.

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moreover is a synonym of furthermore

adverb [ mawr-oh-ver, mohr-, mawr-oh-ver, mohr- ]

moreover is another word for furthermore

The terms furthermore and moreover are both transition words, meaning they help connect one idea to another. What's more, they both indicate something additional to what has already been stated. Moreover adds emphasis to the idea that came before it, usually introducing something particular or important (not an afterthought). But neither of these terms is commonly used in speech where shorter, less formal options do the trick.

Commonly found as

The census helps ensure the government has an accurate picture of the population. Moreover, it impacts funding for public services.
; moreover,
I did not like the house; moreover, it was too high-priced.

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revamp is a synonym of improve

verb [ verb ree-vamp ]

revamp is another word for improve

To improve something is to make it more desirable in some way. To revamp something is to renovate, redo, or revise it. Revamp comes from the verb vamp, which in its earliest uses meant “to repair (a shoe or boot) with a new vamp.” The noun vamp here refers to the portion of a shoe or boot upper that covers the instep and toes. Revamp entered English with its own footprint, but the idea of making something old new remains central to its meaning.

Commonly found as

revamp + system
To improve conditions in public schools, the senator wanted to revamp the state tax system.
completely revamp
The chemistry department completely revamped its curriculum to better serve students in pharmacology.

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