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pottage is a synonym of stew

noun [ pot-ij ]

pottage is another word for stew

✅ A stew is a mix of meat and vegetables or sometimes other foods cooked by simmering (I made a thick, hearty stew for dinner).

✅ A pottage is a thick vegetable soup, which might or might not have meat in it (Medieval chefs had many recipes for pottage).

✅ Stew and pottage are similar dishes: both are thick and cooked by simmering.

✅ A stew is generally chunky, while a pottage is more on the liquidy end of the soup spectrum.

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spud is a synonym of potato

noun [ spuhd ]

spud is another word for potato

✅ Potato refers to an edible tuber. The word can also refer to a sweet potato (The humble potato is a versatile ingredient).

✅ Spud is an informal term for potato, but the word can also refer to a variety of different tools (The spuds were overcooked).

✅ Potato and spud are often interchangeable, with potato being the common term and spud being a more informal one.

✅ However, a spud is also a surgical instrument that can be used to remove wax from ears!

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turkey is a synonym of clown

noun [ tur-kee ]

turkey is another word for clown

✅ A clown is a fool or a person who is rude and vulgar (Stop being such a clown!).

✅ A turkey is a person who is naive or inept (The promising new recruit turned out to be a turkey).

✅ Both clown and turkey describe foolish people who have bad judgment.

✅ Both words are also somewhat unkind ways to refer to someone, but they’re softer and less offensive words that you might use instead of a word like idiot.

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