✅ Part is the best word to refer to a section of a whole thing, either separated from the whole or otherwise distinct from it (I gave her part of my lunch).
✅ Portion is the best word to refer to a part of something that has been assigned or given, especially for a purpose (This is your portion of the work to do).
✅ Portion can be used synonymously with part, but usually portion is used to refer to a part assigned to a person or alloted for a purpose (I ate my portion of the cake), while part is the more general of the two words (He only did part of the task).
This is the part where we direct you to more synonyms for portion!
✅ Custom and practice both refer to established ways of doing things. Custom usually applies to traditional ways of doing things in a community or culture, but it can also refer to a person’s established way of doing something (local Halloween customs; British customs).
✅ Practice refers to an established system, procedure, or set of habits (company practice; It’s her practice to wash fabric before using it).
✅ Custom emphasizes tradition, whereas practice emphasizes a defined way of doing things that is preferred or most efficient.
✅ Customs are often socially or emotionally important. Practice doesn’t carry the same connotation (It’s our family’s custom to eat fish at Christmas; It’s our practice to take our shoes off indoors).
It’s our practice to encourage you to take a look at these synonyms!
✅ Carry refers to taking something to another location, whether through your own power or using a vehicle (I carried the plants to the car).
✅ Transport refers to taking a large load, often goods, to a location using a vehicle (I transported the building materials to the site).
✅ Transport emphasizes the moving of a load to a new location, whereas carry emphasizes the act of taking on the load (transport the kids to the campsite; This truck can carry a lot of equipment).
✅ Carry is the more general word, while transport applies more specifically to large loads.
Try using transport in a paragraph describing travel with the help of Grammar Coach.