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perceive is a synonym of notice

verb [ per-seev ]

perceive is another word for notice

Notice means to become aware of something or someone through observation (She didn't notice the typo in her report). 

Perceive refers to becoming aware of or interpreting something through the senses or the mind (He could perceive the tension in the room).

✅ Both words involve awareness of something through observation or experience. 

Notice is often used for physical or immediate observation, while perceive can include deeper understanding or intuition (He didn't notice the changes in her mood; She could perceive the hidden meaning behind his words).

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unwavering is a synonym of steady

adjective [ uhn-wey-vuh-ring ]

unwavering is another word for steady

Steady describes something that is firmly fixed, constant, or reliable (She maintained a steady pace during the race). 

Unwavering means not changing or becoming weaker, especially in support or belief (His unwavering dedication to his family was admirable). 

✅ Both words imply consistency and reliability. 

Steady can describe both physical actions and metaphorical traits, whereas unwavering typically refers to mental or emotional steadfastness (He kept a steady hand while painting; Her unwavering faith inspired others).

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undertake is a synonym of begin

verb [ uhn-der-teyk ]

undertake is another word for begin

✅ To begin means to start or initiate something (They will begin the project tomorrow).

✅ To undertake refers to committing oneself to and beginning a task or responsibility that may take a long time (She decided to undertake the restoration of the old mansion).

✅ Both terms describe the start of an action or task.

Begin is a more general term used in many contexts, while undertake implies a formal or serious commitment to a task or project (She will begin her painting class this week; They will undertake the construction of the new bridge).

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