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passive is a synonym of lazy

adjective [ pas-iv ]

passive is another word for lazy

Lazy describes not wanting to do things, such as work, or not wanting to put effort into things, particularly when this is a personal choice you consistently make (He decided to spend the weekend being lazy).

Passive describes not participating actively in something, especially to the point of letting things happen around you without trying to do anything (A passive person who disliked making decisions).

Lazy and passive people can both be disengaged or seem apathetic. However, lazy and passive mean slightly different things.

Lazy emphasizes not doing things that you should do and not putting in effort. Passive emphasizes letting things happen without your participation, engagement, or control.

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apathetic is a synonym of indifferent

adjective [ ap-uh-thet-ik ]

apathetic is another word for indifferent

Indifferent describes not caring about something or being disinterested in it (He was indifferent to the feelings of others; She was indifferent to most new music).

Apathetic describes not being interested in or concerned about something, especially to the point of being unresponsive (The company representative was apathetic to her plight).

✅ Often, indifferent and apathetic both suggest that you ought to care, but don’t (I couldn’t believe how indifferent she seemed).

Apathetic also suggests a lack of response on top of a lack of care (He remained apathetic, despite the bad news).

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cupidity is a synonym of possessiveness

noun [ kyoo-pid-i-tee ]

cupidity is another word for possessiveness

Possessiveness refers to a strong, jealous desire to possess something, especially when it guides your actions and behavior (Her possessiveness led her to lose friendships).

Cupidity refers to any strong and excessive desire, generally also to possess something (The sight of the treasure ignited the queen’s cupidity).

✅ Although possessiveness and cupidity both refer to having an intense desire to possess something or someone, cupidity is the less common word.

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