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paraphrase is a synonym of reword

verb [ par-uh-freyz ]

paraphrase is another word for reword

✅ To reword something means to take something spoken or written and put it into different words while expressing the same meaning (I reworded the sentence so that it read more smoothly).

✅ To paraphrase something means to take a piece of text or statement and to put it in different words, especially in order to make something clearer (I paraphrased his argument).

Paraphrase is often used when you can’t remember the original phrasing of an idea or argument but do remember the meaning, and so you express the idea in your own words. It can also be used when you have to change the grammar or structure of a passage or quote.

Reword is used when you express something in clearer words, especially to make it more understandable or more suitable to your needs.

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characterize is a synonym of define

verb [ kar-ik-tuh-rahyz ]

characterize is another word for define

Define means to give a description of something, especially a description that identifies the nature of something or its essential qualities (We had to define the problem before we could solve it).

Characterize means to describe the character of something or someone, or to describe some individual quality (She characterized her friends as supportive and kind).

Define particularly means to give an accurate, neutral description (He defined the duties involved in the job).

Characterize particularly suggests giving a description that includes personal, subjective opinions (He characterized the job as stressful but exciting).

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epigrammatic is a synonym of pithy

adjective [ ep-i-gruh-mat-ik ]

epigrammatic is another word for pithy

Pithy refers to a saying, comment, observation or similar that is short and full of meaning (She was known for her pithy comments about her fellow party guests).

Epigrammatic refers to something that is short and witty, like an epigram (His epigrammatic replies were sometimes difficult to follow).

Pithy and epigrammatic both describe short, meaningful, and witty statements.

Pithy is the more common word and is used to describe a wider variety of things.

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