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palm is a synonym of hand

noun [ pahm ]

palm is another word for hand

Hand refers to the appendage at the end of the human arm (My hand was cold).

Palm refers to the inner part of the hand, from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers (I cut my palm on a thorn).

✅ While hand refers to the whole of the appendage including the palm, fingers, and thumb, you can use hand to mean the palm (She had the ring in her hand), but you can’t use palm to refer to the whole hand.

These synonyms are in the palm of your hand! Read more about tree names like palm!

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pine is a synonym of miss

verb [ pahyn ]

pine is another word for miss

Miss means to notice and feel sad or regretful over the absence of something or someone (I miss my friends).

Pine means to yearn in a deep and longing way (The dog pined for his blanket, which was in the laundry).

Pine can be used to refer to longing or yearning for someone who has a different relationship to you than you would like (He’s pining over that girl from his class that he has a crush on).

Miss almost always refers to feelings for someone who has left or gone away (She missed her family while she was on vacation).

Describe the last time you pined for someone with the help of Grammar Coach. Then read more about tree names like pine!

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momentous is a synonym of important

adjective [ moh-men-tuhs ]

momentous is another word for important

✅ Something important is of great significance or consequence (They had to make an important decision; She was an important researcher in her field).

✅ Something momentous is of great or far-reaching importance (It was a momentous occasion when she published her autobiography).

✅ While important is a general, and often overused term that can refer to people or things, momentous tends to emphasize the seriousness of an event or statement (There have been a lot of important moments in the women’s rights movement, but Sojourner Truth’s speech, ‘And ain’t I a woman?’ was truly momentous).

For another momentous word, find out what we chose as the 2022 Word Of The Year!

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