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ornery is a synonym of crotchety

adjective [ awr-nuh-ree ]

ornery is another word for crotchety

Crotchety describes someone who is both grouchy and given to odd whims (a rich, crotchety old man).

Ornery describes someone who is stubborn or who is unpleasant to be around (an ornery customer who always complained).

✅ Both crotchety and ornery describe stubborn and unpleasant people.

✅ However, crotchety suggests an element of eccentricity that ornery does not (She was crotchety and wanted everything done a certain way).

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cheeky is a synonym of brash

adjective [ chee-kee ]

cheeky is another word for brash

Brash describes someone who is tactless and impertinent and can come across as rude (a brash young person; a brash reply to her text).

Cheeky describes someone who is playfully disrespectful and bold (a cheeky toddler; a cheeky compliment).

Brash and cheeky both describe being impertinent, and both these qualities can seem like rudeness.

Brash is a more negative term, whereas cheeky is more neutral or positive.

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brandish is a synonym of shake

verb [ bran-dish ]

brandish is another word for shake

Shake can mean to gesticulate with something (She shook her fist at the seagull that stole her lunch).

Brandish means to wave a weapon in a threatening way (They brandished foam swords at each other).

✅ In this sense, shake and brandish have basically the same meaning.

Shake, however, has a much more general meaning that brandish does not: to move something in short quick movements (Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients).

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