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obstruct is a synonym of block

verb [ uhb-struhkt ]

obstruct is another word for block

✅ To block means to stop or prevent something from progressing or happening (The stress of learning how to use this new software has blocked my creative side).

✅ To obstruct means to create obstacles that make it difficult for something to happen, often on purpose (Our manager refused to share important information during the meeting, which obstructed our progress on the project).

✅ Both words involve creating barriers or stopping movement.

Block implies a more definitive interruption or barrier, while obstruct often implies intentional or systematic interference that makes it difficult to achieve progress (Negative thoughts often block my ability to see the positive side of situations; The legal team tried to obstruct the investigation by withholding evidence).

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appreciative is a synonym of grateful

adjective [ uh-pree-shuh-tiv ]

appreciative is another word for grateful

Grateful means feeling or showing thankfulness for something received (I'm grateful for your help with the project).

Appreciative means expressing or recognizing value or worth, often in response to kindness or effort (The audience was appreciative of the performer's talent).

✅ Both words describe feeling thankful or recognizing value.

Grateful is more commonly used in response to personal favors, while appreciative suggests a broader recognition of effort or quality (I'm grateful you can water my flowers while I'm out of town; The students were appreciative of the teacher's hard work).

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concurrently is a synonym of meanwhile

adverb [ kuhn-kur-uhnt-lee ]

concurrently is another word for meanwhile

Meanwhile means at the same time, but usually in a different location or situation (He was cooking dinner; meanwhile, I was setting the table).

Concurrently means happening at the same time, often with a sense of coordination or overlap (The two conferences were held concurrently in adjacent halls).

✅ Both words describe events happening at the same time.

Meanwhile is more casual and often refers to separate but parallel activities, while concurrently suggests simultaneous action (The kids were playing in the yard; meanwhile, we were cleaning up their toys in the playroom; The projects ran concurrently over six months).

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