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nestle is a synonym of cuddle

verb [ nes-uhl ]

nestle is another word for cuddle

Cuddle means to lie close and fit snugly in a particular position (I cuddled with my cat in a pile of blankets).

Nestle means to snugly and closely fit into a comfortable position (I nestled into the warm, oversized hoodie).

✅ These words both mean to be snugly and comfortably cocooned, often as part of seeking comfort or going to sleep.

Cuddle often suggests more than one person (The dogs cuddled together in the middle of the bed).

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consult is a synonym of huddle

verb [ kuhn-suhlt ]

consult is another word for huddle

Huddle means to confer about something or get together to have a discussion or make a decision (We huddled over the decision while getting coffee).

Consult means to consider or deliberate over something, particularly in order to take or discuss professional advice (I consulted all my friends to figure out where to go for my birthday).

✅ These terms both mean to discuss something and get opinions from others.

Consult emphasizes getting a professional opinion (I consulted with several doctors).

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discombobulate is a synonym of muddle

verb [ dis-kuhm-bob-yuh-leyt ]

discombobulate is another word for muddle

Muddle means to confuse someone or make them feel mixed-up (I tried to follow the instructions, but was muddled by their complexity).

Discombobulate means to confuse or bewilder someone (Being in crowds discombobulates me).

✅ Both of these terms mean to make a person feel confused or mentally lost.

Muddle emphasizes feeling lost or like you can’t understand something. Discombobulate suggests a more intense feeling of bewilderment (Their constant arguing muddled my thoughts; Jet lag  discombobulates him).

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