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needle is a synonym of bug

verb [ need-l ]

needle is another word for bug

✅ To bug someone refers to annoying someone as a small insect often does (He kept bugging me about getting a haircut). 

✅ To needle someone is also to annoy them but in a way that is much more obnoxious or hurtful (The minor insults and jabs really needled her). 

✅ Both words denote bothering or upsetting someone.

✅ To bug someone is often to keep asking them to do something in a really annoying, pesky sort of way, while to needle someone is to provoke or annoy them by criticizing or insulting them, often in a way that really gets under their skin.

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remainder is a synonym of balance

noun [ ri-meyn-der ]

remainder is another word for balance

Balance refers to the amount available after adding or subtracting to it (He checked his account balance to see what was left). 

Remainder denotes what is left after removing or subtracting but can also apply to what is left over in other instances (The remainder of the cake was stored in the fridge). 

✅ Both terms can describe what is left after a portion has been removed or changed.

Balance can imply an ongoing calculation, while remainder specifically refers to what is left after a process or division (High-yield interest payments keep adding to my savings account balance; The remainder of the year will be more profitable due to holiday sales).

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rivulet is a synonym of creek

noun [ riv-yuh-lit ]

rivulet is another word for creek

✅ A creek is a small stream or a narrow waterway (The children played by the creek near their house).

✅ A rivulet refers to a very small stream or brook (A tiny rivulet trickled down the hillside). 

✅ Both words describe small flowing bodies of water. 

Creek is a more commonly used term for small streams, while rivulet is often used for even smaller, less significant streams (The creek was wide enough for a small boat; I was able to cross the rivulet in two steps).

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