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modest is a synonym of humble

adjective [ mod-ist ]

modest is another word for humble

Humble describes someone who isn’t prideful or arrogant (He was humble and didn’t see himself as superior).

Modest describes someone who has a moderate estimation of themselves and isn’t vain or egotistical (He had a modest view of his accomplishments).

Humble and modest can be used to describe people who aren’t arrogant and don’t overstate their abilities (She was humble but sometimes too modest about her skills).

Humble and modest can also describe things that are unpretentious (a humble abode; a modest amount).

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inkling is a synonym of hunch

noun [ ingk-ling ]

inkling is another word for hunch

✅ A hunch is a suspicion or guess (I have a hunch that my cat stole some ham from my plate).

✅ An inkling is a vague idea (I didn’t even have an inkling of what he was planning).

✅ Both hunch and inkling refer to incomplete understandings.

✅ A hunch is stronger and has more evidence or prior knowledge to support it than inkling.

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catwalk is a synonym of bridge

noun [ kat-wawk ]

catwalk is another word for bridge

✅ A bridge is a structure that allows someone to cross over a river, road, chasm, or similar (The new bridge allows animals to cross the road safely).

✅ A catwalk is a narrow walkway high above the surroundings, usually built to allow access for workers (In the middle of the play, they threw fake snow from the catwalk).

✅ Both bridge and catwalk refer to walkways.

✅ A bridge provides access between the two sides that it connects, whereas a catwalk generally provides access to the space above the surroundings but can also refer to a ramp from a stage that extends into a theater audience.

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