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miff is a synonym of irk

verb [ mif ]

miff is another word for irk

Irk means to irritate or annoy (His dismissive attitude irked me).

Miff means to mildly offend (Her mother’s insult about her haircut miffed her).

Irk and miff both mean to make someone feel mildly aggravated or upset, but each word suggests a different cause for these feelings.

Irk suggests that an everyday annoyance caused aggravation (It irks me when I get stuck in traffic), whereas miff suggests someone’s actions or behavior are responsible (People stealing my pens really miffs me).

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hoity-toity is a synonym of pretentious

adjective [ hoi-tee-toi-tee ]

hoity-toity is another word for pretentious

Pretentious describes someone who assumes an air of importance, especially when that importance is exaggerated or undeserved. It can also describe something that reflects this self-important attitude (pretentious writing; a pretentious gallery owner).

Hoity-toity describes someone or something haughty or pompous (A hoity-toity assistant; I don’t like hoity-toity designer stores).

Pretentious and hoity-toity both express the idea that someone is putting on airs in order to make themselves feel superior.

Hoity-toity is an informal term used often in derision or to make fun of someone. Pretentious is a negative term that is more often used to criticize rather than to make fun.

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froufrou is a synonym of embellishment

noun [ froo-froo ]

froufrou is another word for embellishment

Embellishment refers to decoration (The fashion was for dresses with almost no embellishment).

Froufrou refers to excessive decoration (The costumes were covered in feathers and froufrou).

Embellishment is a neutral word, suggesting a tasteful level of decoration. Froufrou is a more derogatory term, suggesting a level of decoration that is over the top or fussy.

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